Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Structured Teaching: Strategies for Supporting Children with Autism

“Structured teaching is based upon an understanding of the unique features and characteristics associated with the nature of autism … describes the conditions under which a person should be taught rather than ‘where’ or ‘what’ (i.e., ‘learning how to learn’) …  a system for organizing their environments, developing appropriate activities, and helping people with autism understand what is expected of them … utilizes visual cues which help children with autism focus on the relevant information which can, at times, be difficult for the person with autism to distinguish from the non-relevant information …  addresses challenging behaviors in a proactive manner by creating appropriate and meaningful environments that reduce the stress, anxiety and frustration which may be experienced by children with autism.”
“Written by Susan Stokes under a contract with CESA 7 and funded by a discretionary grant from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.”
If you would like to read the rest of the article, click the following link:

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